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Tourism in 2021

Posted by deborah on December 29, 2021
Travel trends come and go every year; however, 2021 is set to be one of the most significant years for this sector. As the world starts to recovers from COVID-19 and borders begin to reopen, we are all expecting travel to look a little different than it did pre-pandemic.
Now that vaccines are being rolled out across the U.S. and in several areas across the globe, the return to travel is looming. In an industry that has been arguably the hardest hit by the pandemic, it could be one of the slowest to recover.
Nobody knows exactly what will happen but one thing is clear: we won’t be able to travel as freely as we used to… that is, without consideration for our health. According to ForbesLife contributing writer Corrina Allen-Kiersons, “tour companies, hoteliers, and travel agencies are already working hard to woo future travelers to explore again once it’s safe to do so.” Some of their tactics include dateless departures, increased online engagement, contactless services, and more.
As the new year progresses, let’s look at 2021 as an opportunity to adapt and innovate. Travelers will be more conscious of the need to travel to destinations that make it easy to maintain social distancing practices. Explore the likelihood of travelers being willing to pay more to reduce their COVID-19 exposure. Promoting safe health practices is what will allow tourism to restart, operating safely and sustainably, and producing economic benefits for all those involved.
Safe travels!

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