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Doing More With Less: Labor and Technology i...

August 22, 2023
With a spring travel boom just around the corner, hoteliers are focusing on staffing to ensure they can provide the ...
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Tourism in 2021

December 29, 2021
Travel trends come and go every year; however, 2021 is set to be one of the most significant years for this sector. ...
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Artificial Intelligence an Optimistic Future...

December 29, 2021
Despite the havoc the pandemic has created globally, the crisis has accelerated technology innovations throughout t ...
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3 Tips to Tackle Hotel Costs

December 29, 2021
Between the rising cost of labor, decreased guest demand and ever-changing Covid guidance, hotels and motels have t ...
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A New Dawn for California’s Hospitalit...

December 29, 2021
The 2020 pandemic year left the hospitality industry facing what seemed like a long road to economic recovery, as l ...
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Vaccinations Aid In Successful Reopening of ...

December 29, 2021
Great news! California is currently at a 64% vaccination rate and climbing. According to a recent post on the Calif ...
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Hotel Mini Bar: Yay or Nay?

September 11, 2015
As I think back on my childhood, one of my fondest memories are the many vacation trips that my family and I would take. I was always excited to be staying at a hotel. The first things my sister and I ...
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Say Hello to Dash

August 26, 2015
InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) announced on August 4, 2015 the launch of their new hotel delivery robot, Dash. Dash was made by a Silicon Valley start up called Savioke. Standing at about “3-feet ...
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Weekend Get-Aways on the Rise

July 6, 2015
Here in California we have many diverse regions; most between 30 minutes to a few hours or perhaps half a day away from home. To name a few, there is the concrete jungle of Los Angeles, the flowery pl ...
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The Impact of Mobile Reservations

June 11, 2015
In today’s world most of us have a smartphone in our hand with the convenience of the Internet at the tips of our figures to shop, buy tickets to events, book a hotel room, and so much more. But how m ...
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